Create a signal to show where you need decentralized location services most: around your home or office, your company’s supply chain, or even your dream travel destinations.
Go to the map view and make sure you’re signed into your MetaMask wallet.
Click anywhere on the map to bring up the ‘Create FOAM Location’ card.
Click ‘Register New Signal’.
Adjust the ‘Signal Radius’ to mark the area you need location services in.
You will see a GeoHash, a street address, and latitude & longitude coordinates generated based on where you located your signal. Copy this information and store it somewhere safe to make sure your signal is easy to find in the future. For some locations, a street address might be unavailable.
Stake Approved Signaling Tokens to create the new signal. Currently, the minimum stake for a signal is set to 1 FOAM but there is no limit. The more you stake to the signal, the greater the eventual rewards offered to the miner.
If you don’t have enough Approved Signaling Tokens to create a new stake, go to My Assets and the Signaling tab to approve more.
Click ‘Create Signal’ when you’ve finished.
Confirm the registration on MetaMask. This brings up a MetaMask confirmation window for a new transaction. You need to approve the transfer of the FOAM tokens staked to the new signal.
That’s it! It may take a few minutes for the new signal to appear on FOAM Map. This depends on how busy the Ethereum network is when you submit. You can track the status of your transaction by clicking it from within Metamask which will bring you to
For more information see the blog post:
Or watch the step-by-step explainer video: