What are map layers?
Katya Zavyalova avatar
Written by Katya Zavyalova
Updated over a week ago

Toggle map layers to visualise different types of information on the FOAM Map. There are currently 3 layers:

  • Points of Interest - This shows POIs, or locations in the physical world that the community has decided are worthy of inclusion in the FOAM Map. 

  • Signals - This shows signals, which are markers made by cartographers staking FOAM tokens to a geographic area to incentivise decentralized location services.

  • Signal Heatmap - This is a visualization showing the intensity of FOAM tokens staked in signals. The Signal Heatmap is off by default and you can turn it on in the Map Layers settings.

How do I turn map layers on and off?

  1. Go to the map view at http://map.foam.space.

  2. Click the Map Layers icon on the bottom right to open the menu.

  3. Toggle to turn each layer on or off.

For more information see:
What is the Signal Heatmap?

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